Dan’s Online Diary 

# 16.3.07 by Dan

Check this out! It’s kinda funny since we know a few people from that neck of the woods.

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# 16.3.07 by Dan

A colleague and friend of mine has just started a blog on New Zealand sports.

He writes about cricket, league, rugby and other stuff.

Go check it out.

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# 15.3.07 by Dan

As much as I don’t like pimping the Herald, I read this article that tells that debate has stalled the progress of ‘the Bill’ through the house.

I’m really not sure why we need this bill when - after reading this - it seems to me that CYFS just do what they want anyway. CYFS are worse, and far more dangerous, than the courts or the police.

# 15.3.07 by Dan

The NZ Herald has an article regarding NCEA pass rates; they’re “getting better”.

I would say that although the pass rates are higher, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re better.

It could mean they’re easier, which means people could be as dumb or dumber than previous years, but passing instead of failing. That’s not a better outcome for students.

There are too many variables. And I guess I shouldn’t be too cynical.

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