Dan’s Online Diary 

# 15.9.05 by Dan

I have just heard that our good friend Carl has been in a car accident, and is in intensive care. I don't know of any further details.

Please pray for Carl, and let us know of any further news as it may come to hand.

Update 08:21:
Carl has some broken ribs, but all else is good.

Update 08:38:
Carl has five six fractured ribs and a collapsed lung. He is still in intensive care (Middlemore Hospital), but should be okay.

Update 15:12:
Carl is still in ICU but should be moving to Ward 21 this afternoon.

Update 15:45:
Carl is now in Ward 21, Middlemore Hospital.

Update 16/09:
Scotty visited Carl yesterday.
Jono has carnage coverage here.